Small Business GDPR

Small Business GDPR Guide – Part II

Welcome back to the second part of my Small Business GDPR series, you can find the first part here.

  • How to easily remedy early mistakes?

Again it’s about making yourself aware, if you are aware of the requiremetns of the regulation then it’s easy to remedy the mistakes you’ve made as well as prevent them from happening again. As a business owner of any size it is your responsibility to ensure that you have the necessary knowledge surrounding GDPR and any other regulations applicable to your business.

  • What’s the biggest mistake businesses make?

In my experience, particularly small businesses tend to brush GDPR under the carpet in the misbelief that because they are small then the ICO will not be interested in them. Actually small companies have been fined by the ICO and they take all complaints very seriously. Although it is a daunting subject, you do need to make yourself aware. Why not join my new  Membership subscription for ONLY £19.50 a month so that you can stay aware and use my expert advice and guidance.

  • What does my membership include?

Through the membership, you will have access to 8+1 modules of live online training packed with up to date information, real examples delivered in an engaging and interactive way designed to facilitate learning. Plus you’ll have 4 one-to-one sessions with me throughout the year and access to the ‘Ask the Experts’ Forum which will also facilitate shared learning, another way to keep up and maintain awareness. This is a great opportunity for any small business who wants comprehensive knowledge and support when it comes to GDPR.

For more information, call 01775 660506 or email CVG Solutions at