Making life easier with…

I have developed some material that can be easily downloaded from my News Updates page on my website which is designed to give businesses some quick references and guides to make life easier with applying GDPR.   These are free and can be downloaded any time.

I come across many businesses that frequently ask whether there are some quick tables or a one pager guide that they could use, in particular when it comes to emails and terminology.

They are labelled ‘freebies’ which comes up when hovering over the picture and they cover the following:

Terminology – such as Data Controller/Processor, Data Subject, Processing, Special Categories Data, Consent and much more.

Privacy Policy vs. Privacy Notice – it explains what the difference is between these two terms and provides all the information in a checklist type format of what should be included in the Privacy Notice to be compliant to Article 13 & 14

Emails Do’s and Don’ts – it is a very practical guide, all in one page, easy to follow that can help an organisation to avoid potential data breaches

What is Processing – using visual management it clearly shows all the activities that are considered and included in the term ‘processing’ under GDPR.  This could be easily printed and put on the wall in the office as a visual awareness tool.

What is Personal Data – again with the use of visual management it depicts what is included in the Personal Data category and what is included in the Special Categories Data.  Again, this makes an easy printable guide that can be put up on the wall in the office for staff to refer to.

Special Categories Data lawful basis guide table – due to the sensitivity of this type of data GDPR stipulates that 2 lawful basis are required one from Article 6 and one form Article 9.  In some cases, there might the need for a third lawful basis from Schedule 1 of the Data Protection Act.  This can get quite confusing, so I have created a structured table that easily and clearly guides you. 

Hope you find this material helpful

For more information please contact Cristina on 01775 660506 or